Human activities that affect the environment
Human activities
that effect the enviroment

u Less
grass and tree
u Pollution
u Waste
u Not
balanced food chain
u Fallen
Flood is a natural
disaster that is caused by people doing throwing thrash and using
Chlorofluorocarbon gas which causes global warming. Flood can impact on a lot
of things like plants, soil, and other things. There are a few solutions for
flood and I divide it into two, I divided the solutions into direct and
indirect. The indirect solution is persuading people to stop flood by making a
poster or online media like a blog. The direct solution is to prevent flood by
helping the cleaning crew(Kerja bakti) and clean the sewers and collect the
trash so it can easily be thrown away. There is also one more solution which is
making a recycled trash can.
• Title=
Flooding and plant growth by Meurant, Gerand
Less trees and grass
At some places like villages
there are not too much grass or trees. This is a problem caused by cutting down
trees for buildings and in villages it is because of building houses, being
lazy, and not caring about the roads outside their property. The problem is also
caused by illegal logging because it has the same effect. The effect of this
problem is dirty air, Flood, ETC. My solutions for the problem is Plant
trees in the frontyard, plant trees outside the fence/wall, Persuade the rules
of no illegal loging, persuade cutting and growing(persuade using online
media), regrow fallen trees.
Title= proses pembelajaran promosi sertifikat hutan dan
pengendalian penebangan liar di Indonesia. By Luca Tacconi, Krystof Obidzinski,
Ferdinandus Agung
are a lot of types of pollution, the examples of the types of pollution is
water pollution, air pollution, ground pollution, ETC. The cause of pollution
is usually human activities like throwing trash in wrong places, using too much
pesticide, industrial waste, and carbon dioxide. At my house there are a lot of
vehicles and people that smoke, so at my houses environment, there is a lot of
air pollution This summary will focus on air pollution which is caused by
carbon dioxide. The effect of air pollution is dirty air, respiratory problems,
and sometimes lung cancer, ETC. The solution for air pollution is plant trees,
persuade to stop smoking, persuade to use public vehicle, and save energy.
u Title=
Health Effects of Fine Particulate Air Pollution: Lines that Connect
u C. Arden Pope III
Department of Economics , Brigham Young University , Provo , UT , USA
& Douglas W. Dockery Department of Environmental Health , Harvard School of Public Health , Boston , MA , USA
& Douglas W. Dockery Department of Environmental Health , Harvard School of Public Health , Boston , MA , USA
Waste has different types like industrial waste or waste
from your own house. At my house environment people throw away water mixed with
detergent or soap to the sewers. The
effect of waste is contaminated water so fish dies. Water that ismixed
with detergent is a place for a certain mosquito.The solutions to waste is to prevent or persuade
factories to stop throwing waste directly, Filter waste, filter water, make a
barrier to stop the poison of waste that goes to the sewers, persuade civilians
from throwing waste using certain types of media.
Title= Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements of
Domestic Animals. By National Research Council,Board on
Agriculture,Subcommittee on Environmental Stress
Not balancedfood
At my houses environment the cats dont eat
mouse, but mouse scare the cats. There are no grasshoppers nor beetles because
there is not too much grass. A lot of cockroaches are in the environment, the
cause of the problems are trash and a few other things. My solution for
this problem is stop throwing food leftovers on the road, Control the ammounts
of the food chain, and clean the enviroment.
Fallen tree
At my houses environment there
has ever been a few trees that fell, the
cause is the wind, moisture, and the roots. The roots effect because if the
roots don’t go deep enough, the tree will be weak. The people that made my
houses area didn’t make the root go too deep.
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